I am attempting to draw rectangles on the point chart in the .NET 8 blazor example program and getting a null reference exception when trying to call Graphics3DImageSharp.Rectangle(Rectangle rectangle).
Here is a copy of the stack trace.
at SixLabors.ImageSharp.GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.GetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext context)
at SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions.GetDrawingOptions(IImageProcessingContext context)
at SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathExtensions.Fill(IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, IPath path)
at Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3DImageSharp.Rectangle(Rectangle r)
at TeeChartOnBlazor.Pages.GetGeneralChart.DrawRectangle(Graphics3DBase graphics, Rectangle rect, Int32 cornerRadius) in C:\Git\TeeChartOnBlazor\TeeChart-NET-Pro-Samples\Blazor\NET 8\TeeChartOnBlazor\Pages\GetGeneralChart.razor:line 326
TeeChart .NET For Blazor NullReferenceException
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Re: TeeChart .NET For Blazor NullReferenceException
Hello Jeff,
Thank you for reporting this issue to us. To assist you more effectively, could you please provide the specific code you're working with? More specifically, how or where you're calling the function or drawing the rectangle, as we can't seem to replicate the null reference exception you're encountering. This information will help us better understand the situation and provide you with more accurate guidance or troubleshooting steps, or fixing the bug on our end if that's the case.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this issue for you.
Thanks again,
Best regards,
Thank you for reporting this issue to us. To assist you more effectively, could you please provide the specific code you're working with? More specifically, how or where you're calling the function or drawing the rectangle, as we can't seem to replicate the null reference exception you're encountering. This information will help us better understand the situation and provide you with more accurate guidance or troubleshooting steps, or fixing the bug on our end if that's the case.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this issue for you.
Thanks again,
Best regards,
Steema Support
Steema Support
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- Posts: 29
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Re: TeeChart .NET For Blazor NullReferenceException
Hello Edu,
Here is a sample of the code.
I bolded each line that is calling the next method. If there is a way I can send you the zipped project please let me know as the forum is saying the file size is too large.
Here is a sample of the code.
Code: Select all
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
int chartType = Convert.ToInt32(CType);
if ((chartType == 31) || (chartType == 32)) //pie, donut
GetGeneralChart cGen = new GetGeneralChart();
[b] chartJS = await cGen.GetJSChart(chartType, 1400, 500);[/b]
chartName = cGen.chartName;
chartCode = cGen.getFormattedCode();
title = cGen.title;
supportUnit = "<script src=\"js/pieplus.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
else if (chartType == 101) //appointments, advanced chart
string aTitle = "Appointments";
//Year labels
string[] xLabels = new string[] { "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023" };
//Series names
string[] sNames = new string[] { "Ancillaries", "Core staff" };
//Chart data
double?[,] apptData = new double?[,] {
{ /*Ancillaries*/ 10,12,31,34,16 },
{ /*Core*/ 5,7,12,12,3 }};
MultiBars stack = MultiBars.Stacked;
int incr = 5; //left axis increment
ChartTable cGen = new ChartTable();
chartJS = await cGen.loadAppointmentsChart(aTitle, sNames, apptData,
stack, xLabels, newLineLabel(xLabels),
title = aTitle;
//Make the sourcecode reference page.
chartCode = "\n<h3>Setup data</h3>";
chartCode += getAppointmentsCode();
chartCode += "\n<h3>Chart generation</h3>";
chartCode += cGen.getChartCode();
chartCode += "\n<h3>Javascript Legend code</h3>";
chartCode += cGen.getJSCode();
supportUnit = "<script src=\"js/appointment.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
else //if (chartType < 30) //general charts
GetGeneralChart cGen = new GetGeneralChart();
chartJS = await cGen.GetJSChart(chartType, 1400, 500);
chartName = cGen.chartName;
chartCode = cGen.getFormattedCode();
if ((chartType == 34) || (chartType == 33)) //custom gauge
supportUnit = "<script src=\"js/gauge.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
if (chartType == 34)
title = "VU Meter - analogue type";
supportUnit = "<script src=\"js/stdsetup.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
title = cGen.title;
chartResize = "<script> function resizeChart() { resizeC(" + chartName + "); } </script>";
public Task<string> GetJSChart(int chartType, int width, int height)
Steema.TeeChart.TChart mChart = new TChart();
bool animate = false;
switch (chartType) {
case 0: Line line = new Line(mChart.Chart);
case 1: Points points = new Points(mChart.Chart);
case 2: Area area1 = new Area(mChart.Chart);
Area area2 = new Area(mChart.Chart);
//countSeries = 2;
animate = true;
case 3: break;
case 5: Bubble bubble = new Bubble(mChart.Chart); animate = true; break;
case 6: Candle candle = new Candle(mChart.Chart); break;
case 7: Gantt gantt = new Gantt(mChart.Chart);
case 31: Pie pie = new Pie(mChart.Chart); break;
case 32: Donut donut = new Donut(mChart.Chart); break;
case 33:
case 34: CircularGauge cGauge = new CircularGauge(mChart.Chart); break;
var series = mChart.Series[0];
mChart.Header.Text = ""; // series.Description + " series";
mChart.Axes.Left.Title.Text = "value";
foreach (Series s in mChart.Series)
if (series.GetType() == typeof(Bubble))
((Bubble)(s)).Pointer.Gradient.Visible = true;
((Bubble)(s)).Pointer.Pen.Visible = false;
else if ((series.GetType() == typeof(Gantt)))
if (mChart.Series.Count > 1)
if (mChart[0].MaxYValue() > mChart[1].MaxYValue())
mChart.Axes.Left.SetMinMax(0, mChart[0].MaxYValue()+20);
mChart.Axes.Left.SetMinMax(0, mChart[1].MaxYValue()+20);
Graphics3DBase graphics = mChart.Graphics3D;
ChartBrush brush = null;
ChartPen pen = null;
graphics.Brush = null;
graphics.Pen = null;
Brush = new ChartBrush(mChart.Chart);
Pen = new ChartPen(mChart.Chart);
if (Brush != null)
graphics.Brush = Brush;
graphics.Brush.Chart = mChart.Chart;
if (Pen != null)
graphics.Pen = Pen;
graphics.Pen.Chart = mChart.Chart;
var dataSet = series.YValues.Value;
int counter = 0;
foreach (int value in dataSet)
Random rndX = new Random();
Random rndY = new Random();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(counter, value, rndX.Next(0, 99), rndY.Next(0, 99));
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 300);
// Draw the point.
[b]DrawWrappedRectangle(graphics, rect, bounds);[/b]
graphics.Brush = null;
graphics.Pen = null;
series.XValues.DateTime = true;
//mChart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Angle = 90;
//mChart.Axes.Bottom.Increment = Steema.TeeChart.Utils.GetDateTimeStep(DateTimeSteps.OneDay);
//mChart.Axes.Left.Title.Text = "µVal";
if ((mChart.Series.Count == 1) && (series.GetType() != typeof(Gantt)))
mChart.Axes.Left.SetMinMax(series.YValues.Minimum - 10, series.YValues.Maximum + 10);
chartName = "dynoTeeChart";
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName = chartName;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.Width = width;
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.Height = height;
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.DoFullPage = false; //inline, no page <html> header tags
if ((series.GetType() == typeof(Pie)) ||
(series.GetType() == typeof(Donut)))
series.Marks.Visible = true;
series.Marks.Arrow.Visible = false;
series.Marks.Arrow.Color = Color.White;
series.Marks.Transparent = true;
series.Marks.Pen.Transparency = 100;
series.Marks.Pen.Color = Color.White;
series.Marks.Font.Color = Color.White;
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.CustomCode = getCustomCodeOp2(mChart);
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.CustomCode = getCustomCode1(animate, mChart);
if ((series.GetType() == typeof(Gantt)))
((Gantt)series).Brush.Gradient.Visible = false;
((Gantt)series).NextTasks[0] = 6;
mChart.Axes.Left.Title.Text = "task";
if ((series.GetType() == typeof(CircularGauge)))
mChart.Axes.Left.Title.Text = "µHz";
var customCode = new List<string>();
if (chartType == 34)
customCode.Add("modGauge(" + chartName + ", " + chartName + ".series.items[0]" + ");");
customCode.Add("setTimeout(modVal, 500);");
((CircularGauge)(mChart[0])).Value = 0;
customCode.Add(chartName + ".series.items[0]" + ".format.shadow.visible=false;");
customCode.Add(chartName + ".series.items[0]" + ".back.visible=false;");
customCode.Add("growVal(" + chartName + ");");
customCode.Add("setTimeout(growVal, 500);");
mChart.Export.Image.JScript.CustomCode = customCode.ToArray();
title = mChart.Series[0].Description;
ms.Position = 0;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms);
//setup our chart name, here 'dynoChartName'.
string result = "<script> var " + chartName + "; " + reader.ReadToEnd() + "</script>";
return Task.FromResult(result);
/// <summary>
/// Draws a rectangle that may wrap around the axes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
/// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param>
/// <param name="bounds">The boundary over which the rectangle may wrap.</param>
/// <param name="cornerRadius">[Optional] The radius of the rounded corners, in pixels.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="graphics"/> is <b>null</b>.</exception>
public static void DrawWrappedRectangle(Graphics3DBase graphics, Rectangle rect, Rectangle bounds, int cornerRadius = 0)
if (graphics == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graphics));
[b]DrawRectangle(graphics, rect, cornerRadius);[/b]
/// <summary>
/// Draws a rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
/// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param>
/// <param name="cornerRadius">[Optional] The radius of the rounded corners, in pixels.</param>
public static void DrawRectangle(Graphics3DBase graphics, Rectangle rect, int cornerRadius = 0)
if (cornerRadius == 0)
catch (Exception ex)
String message = ex.Message;
throw ex;
else if (cornerRadius > Math.Max(rect.Width, rect.Height) / 2)
graphics.RoundRectangle(rect, cornerRadius);
Re: TeeChart .NET For Blazor NullReferenceException
Hello Jeff:
Thank you for providing the code snippet.
We were able to spot the issue you're encountering.
Adding this code after the line ..
.. should achieve what you're trying to make (drawing a rectangle)
Here you can see the rectangle with color 'White, Lime' (top right)
There are complications with drawing a rectangle using the method you were trying to use due to the nature of how Graphics3DImageSharp works (because the chart is not yet drawn ..)
Since there's the conversion to js, custom drawing code should be written on your
If there's anything else you may need or any other questions, please let us know
Thank you for providing the code snippet.
We were able to spot the issue you're encountering.
Adding this code after the line ..
Code: Select all
customCode.Add(" drawAppointments(" + chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ", " + labelLines + ");");
Code: Select all
customCode.Add($"let myFormat = new Tee.Format({chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName});");
customCode.Add($"var x1 = {chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc(4),");
customCode.Add($"y1 = {chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc(70),");
customCode.Add($"x2 = {chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc(7),");
customCode.Add($"y2 = {chartAppointm.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc(40);");
customCode.Add("// X,Y, Width, Height");
customCode.Add("myFormat.rectangle(x1,y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);");
There are complications with drawing a rectangle using the method you were trying to use due to the nature of how Graphics3DImageSharp works (because the chart is not yet drawn ..)
Since there's the conversion to js, custom drawing code should be written on your
string list instead.If there's anything else you may need or any other questions, please let us know
Steema Support
Steema Support
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- Posts: 29
- Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2023 12:00 am
Re: TeeChart .NET For Blazor NullReferenceException
Hi Edu,
I got the drawing working on the appointments chart in the sample project. I am trying to draw a box around every data point in the point chart but am getting a blank chart back. Here is the method where I added the custom code.
//general type characteristics
string[] getCustomCode1(bool animate, TChart aChart, double[] dataSet)
var customCode = new List<string>();
if (animate)
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Area))
customCode.Add(" //animation");
customCode.Add(" animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" animation.duration = 1700;");
customCode.Add(" animation.kind = \"all\";");
customCode.Add(" animation.mode = \"linear\";");
customCode.Add(" //animation");
customCode.Add(" animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" animation.duration = 900;");
customCode.Add(" animation.kind = \"each\";");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation = new Tee.FadeAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.duration = 500;");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.fade.series = true;");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.fade.marks = true;");
customCode.Add(" animation.mode = \"linear\"; ");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.mode = \"linear\";");
customCode.Add(" animation.items.push(fadeAnimation);");
customCode.Add(" ");
customCode.Add(" animation.animate(" + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ");");
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Candle))
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.datetime = true;");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.dateFormat = \"shortDate\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".series.items[0].dateFormat = \"shortDate\";");
customCode.Add("var t = new Tee.CursorTool(" + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ");");
customCode.Add("t.direction = \"both\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".tools.add(t);");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill = \"rgba(0,0,0,0.6)\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.format.font.setSize(\"10px\");");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".series.items[0].marks.transparent = true;");
//customCode.Add("hostChart = " + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ";");
customCode.Add("chartFeatures(" + chartName + ");"); //call general setup enhancements
customCode.Add("resizeC(" + chartName + ");");
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points))
int counter = 0;
foreach (int value in dataSet)
Random rndX = new Random();
Random rndY = new Random();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(counter, value, rndX.Next(0, 99), rndY.Next(0, 99));
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 300);
customCode.Add($"let myFormat = new Tee.Format({aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName});");
customCode.Add($"var x1 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc(1),");
customCode.Add($"y1 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc(1),");
customCode.Add($"x2 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc(100),");
customCode.Add($"y2 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc(100);");
customCode.Add("// X,Y, Width, Height");
customCode.Add("myFormat.rectangle(x1,y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);");
return customCode.ToArray();
I got the drawing working on the appointments chart in the sample project. I am trying to draw a box around every data point in the point chart but am getting a blank chart back. Here is the method where I added the custom code.
//general type characteristics
string[] getCustomCode1(bool animate, TChart aChart, double[] dataSet)
var customCode = new List<string>();
if (animate)
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Area))
customCode.Add(" //animation");
customCode.Add(" animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" animation.duration = 1700;");
customCode.Add(" animation.kind = \"all\";");
customCode.Add(" animation.mode = \"linear\";");
customCode.Add(" //animation");
customCode.Add(" animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" animation.duration = 900;");
customCode.Add(" animation.kind = \"each\";");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation = new Tee.FadeAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.duration = 500;");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.fade.series = true;");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.fade.marks = true;");
customCode.Add(" animation.mode = \"linear\"; ");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.mode = \"linear\";");
customCode.Add(" animation.items.push(fadeAnimation);");
customCode.Add(" ");
customCode.Add(" animation.animate(" + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ");");
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Candle))
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.datetime = true;");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.dateFormat = \"shortDate\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".series.items[0].dateFormat = \"shortDate\";");
customCode.Add("var t = new Tee.CursorTool(" + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ");");
customCode.Add("t.direction = \"both\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".tools.add(t);");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill = \"rgba(0,0,0,0.6)\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.format.font.setSize(\"10px\");");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".series.items[0].marks.transparent = true;");
//customCode.Add("hostChart = " + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ";");
customCode.Add("chartFeatures(" + chartName + ");"); //call general setup enhancements
customCode.Add("resizeC(" + chartName + ");");
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points))
int counter = 0;
foreach (int value in dataSet)
Random rndX = new Random();
Random rndY = new Random();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(counter, value, rndX.Next(0, 99), rndY.Next(0, 99));
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 300);
customCode.Add($"let myFormat = new Tee.Format({aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName});");
customCode.Add($"var x1 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc(1),");
customCode.Add($"y1 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc(1),");
customCode.Add($"x2 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc(100),");
customCode.Add($"y2 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc(100);");
customCode.Add("// X,Y, Width, Height");
customCode.Add("myFormat.rectangle(x1,y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);");
return customCode.ToArray();
Re: TeeChart .NET For Blazor NullReferenceException
Hello Jeff:
I made some changes to the code you provided to avoid js errors that were happening.
Separating variable declarations and the onDraw from the loop is what I feel is the most important 'change', but I recommend you to take a look at the whole function regardless.
This is just an interpretation of what you said here ...
This is how the result looks like: and this is how the code looks like:
If there's anything else we can help with, please let us know.
I made some changes to the code you provided to avoid js errors that were happening.
Separating variable declarations and the onDraw from the loop is what I feel is the most important 'change', but I recommend you to take a look at the whole function regardless.
This is just an interpretation of what you said here ...
... so please if you would like the end result to be a bit different, adjust the necessary code to better match your desired resultI am trying to draw a box around every data point in the point chart but am getting a blank chart back.
This is how the result looks like: and this is how the code looks like:
Code: Select all
string[] getCustomCode1(bool animate, TChart aChart, double[] dataSet)
var customCode = new List<string>();
if (animate)
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Area))
customCode.Add(" //animation");
customCode.Add(" animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" animation.duration = 1700;");
customCode.Add(" animation.kind = \"all\";");
customCode.Add(" animation.mode = \"linear\";");
customCode.Add(" //animation");
customCode.Add(" animation = new Tee.SeriesAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" animation.duration = 900;");
customCode.Add(" animation.kind = \"each\";");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation = new Tee.FadeAnimation();");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.duration = 500;");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.fade.series = true;");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.fade.marks = true;");
customCode.Add(" animation.mode = \"linear\"; ");
customCode.Add(" fadeAnimation.mode = \"linear\";");
customCode.Add(" animation.items.push(fadeAnimation);");
customCode.Add(" ");
customCode.Add(" animation.animate(" + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ");");
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Candle))
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.datetime = true;");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.dateFormat = \"shortDate\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".series.items[0].dateFormat = \"shortDate\";");
customCode.Add("var t = new Tee.CursorTool(" + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ");");
customCode.Add("t.direction = \"both\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".tools.add(t);");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill = \"rgba(0,0,0,0.6)\";");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".axes.bottom.labels.format.font.setSize(\"10px\");");
customCode.Add(aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ".series.items[0].marks.transparent = true;");
//customCode.Add("hostChart = " + aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName + ";");
customCode.Add("chartFeatures(" + chartName + ");"); //call general setup enhancements
customCode.Add("resizeC(" + chartName + ");");
if (aChart[0].GetType() == typeof(Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points))
int counter = 0;
Random rndX = new Random();
Random rndY = new Random();
customCode.Add($"const myFormat = new Tee.Format({aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName});");
customCode.Add("let axisX1, axisY1, axisX2, axisY2;");
customCode.Add($"{aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.ondraw = function()");
foreach (int value in dataSet)
// Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(counter, value, rndX.Next(0, 99), rndY.Next(0, 99));
// Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 300);
customCode.Add($"axisX1 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc({counter});");
customCode.Add($"axisY1 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc({value});");
customCode.Add($"axisX2 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.bottom.calc({rndX.Next(0, 99)});");
customCode.Add($"axisY2 = {aChart.Export.Image.JScript.ChartName}.axes.left.calc({rndX.Next(0, 99)});");
customCode.Add("// X,Y, Width, Height");
customCode.Add("myFormat.rectangle(axisX1 + 5, axisY1 + 5, 20, 20);");
return customCode.ToArray();
Steema Support
Steema Support